Return the contact details for the logged in contact


ChurchSuite My: Details



address: string
address2: string
address3: string
city: string
communication: { general_email: BooleanAsNumber; general_sms: BooleanAsNumber; rota_email: BooleanAsNumber; rota_sms: BooleanAsNumber }

Type declaration

country: string
county: string
ctime: string
cuser: string
custom_fields: []
date_of_birth: string
email: `${string}@${string}.${string}`
email_opt_out: boolean
employer: null | string
first_name: string
formal_name: null | string
former_name: null | string
id: number
images: [] | Image[]
job: null | string
last_name: string
latitude: number
location: { address: string; latitude: string; longitude: string }

Type declaration

  • address: string
  • latitude: string
  • longitude: string
longitude: number
maiden_name: null | string
marital: null | string
middle_name: null | string
mobile: string
mtime: string
multi_team_multi_role?: boolean
muser: string
ongoing_consent: { granted_ctime: null | string; granted_name: null | string; request_ctime: null | string; required: BooleanAsNumber }

Type declaration

  • granted_ctime: null | string
  • granted_name: null | string
  • request_ctime: null | string
  • required: BooleanAsNumber
person_uuid: string
postcode: string
profile_meta_data: { custom_fields: []; sex: null | "u" | "m" | "f" }

Type declaration

  • custom_fields: []
  • sex: null | "u" | "m" | "f"
public_hash: string
public_options: { access: boolean; invited: boolean; visible: { address: boolean; email: boolean; enabled: boolean; mobile: boolean; telephone: boolean } }

Type declaration

  • access: boolean
  • invited: boolean
  • visible: { address: boolean; email: boolean; enabled: boolean; mobile: boolean; telephone: boolean }
    • address: boolean
    • email: boolean
    • enabled: boolean
    • mobile: boolean
    • telephone: boolean
rota_email_opt_out: boolean
rota_sms_opt_out: boolean
sex: null | "u" | "m" | "f"
site_id: number
site_ids: string[]
sms_opt_out: boolean
spouse_id: null | string
status: "active" | "archived"
student_details: { city: string; country: string; county: string; course: string; line1: string; line2: string; line3: string; postcode: string; telephone: string; university: string; year_end: string; year_start: string }

Type declaration

  • city: string
  • country: string
  • county: string
  • course: string
  • line1: string
  • line2: string
  • line3: string
  • postcode: string
  • telephone: string
  • university: string
  • year_end: string
  • year_start: string
telephone: string
title: string
type_id: string
work_telephone: string

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